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How To Own A Website And Blog Like A Boss.

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Own A Website And Blog Like A Boss.

How do I start a blog? How do I grow my traffic? What design is compatible with desktop, tablet, and mobile? How much does it cost to start and maintain a blog?

Do any of these sound familiar?
  • You want to start your blog or own a website for your business but you’re unsure of how to go about it.
  • You’ve been blogging for a while now but you aren’t seeing the progress and growth you want.
  • You find it difficult to crank out quality posts for your blog and maintain consistency.
  • Even when you’re posting consistently, you have trouble getting your audience to connect with your posts and you’re struggling to get noticed.
  • You have consumed lots of information online about growing your blog and are overwhelmed by the process.
  • You have lost the motivation and are doubting if blogging can really pay off.
Here’s the good news: you can totally transform your website or blog!  But are you making any of these mistakes?

1   Working without a strategy: You have a lot of amazing ideas but you are yet to determine your blog purpose, your ideal audience, what your brand message is and how you want your audience to perceive them. You end up using unproductive methods and strategies that are costing you social media exposure, blog traffic, the expert status you desire, and your income earning potential.

Ignoring content marketing: A lot of people make the mistake of starting a blog on a particular niche after a while they leave that blog all because they are desperate to grow there blog audience. Thinking they can create some kind of magic.

Not all that glitter is gold, stop chasing the next shining object: you need to stick to your niche, I know how easy it is to get distracted by the next blogger who’s shining on Instagram or on social media platforms. You think by implementing their strategy, copying them, you might get the traffic and recognition you deserve. Are you one of them?

You’re not alone. Most bloggers spend several years trying to build an engaging audience. But what if you don’t have to do it alone?

What if you don’t have to design your website all by yourself?

Don’t you think it’s time to stop playing with your blog?

What if you could create a brand that other brands would love to work with?
What if you could have other media outlets featuring you?

My name is Oyetayo Olamide. I’m a freelancer, a blogger, computer analyst, web developer, engineer and a Creative Entrepreneur.

I launched Oyetayo Olamide blog back in 2014, back then, I was just like you. I had no idea how to run a blog, what I should post, things to do and all that. I spend a long time and cash trying to perfect my blog, I changed themes several times, I had issues on which platform to make use of for my blog but to make it worse, I wasn’t making any money from my site. This was because I had no idea how to monetize my blog and I was all alone. Back then I was only blogging because I had passion for entertainment and lifestyle and I wanted to share it with everyone both young and old. 

I had to go through a lot just to know how to blog and in that process, I spent money, trying different idea, trick, and a long time learning. You don’t have to go through the same stress I went through just to blog. I can help you turn you passion into a money making machine. 

Over the years, I keep getting emails from people asking me for help and guidance on how to create a website, which platform is best and what to do if they want to excel on their blogging path. I realized that a large number of newbie bloggers are facing the same challenges I was once facing when I started blogging which are:
  • How to start a blog?
  • How to create and design their website for their business and blog.
  • How to make their blog compatible with mobile, tablet and desktop.
  • Some are just having issues growing their blog and audience.
  • Some don’t know how to use social media to grow their audience.
You don’t necessary need to be a blogger before you can own your space online. You can create a website to show case your business or you can create an e-commerce website to sell your product like shoes, wigs, leather bags etc.  Some already have a website for their business but would like a review/consultation services from an expert to help them expose their brand to their target audience.  
I’ve replied as many emails as I can, sharing advice, and tips. It gives me great joy to know that does I share my advice and tips with are doing well with their blogs/ business website.

In other to help others who have been facing challenges on how to start a blog/ business website, I’ve decided to launch my blog review/consultation services to help people more comprehensively and especially people really looking to take their blog serious.
I can tell you today that I have been getting emails from companies who would like to advertise and partner with me.
But it wasn’t always like this.

It didn’t come easy and it took me a long while to figure it all out. Over the years, I have learnt effective strategies that works best and the ones you shouldn’t waste your time and money on.
I know how overwhelming the process of building a blog can be, I know this from building my own blog. That’s why I’m here to help you sort through the mess.

The Oyetayo Olamide blog consultation is for bloggers who want to get serious with their blog. Bloggers who want to create content that connects with their audience and attract brands/influencers to collaborate with them.

  • We will create a space that reflects who you are. 
  •  Clarify your blog focus and improve in on your niche. 
  •  Create personalized solutions/plan of actions specifically tailored to fit your needs.

Blogging newbies are welcome, too!

I absolutely LOVE helping new bloggers as well! If you’re a blogging newbie. Together, we will map out an effective strategy to launch your blog and quickly position yourself in the blogosphere.

Here’s How It Works:

BLOG REVIEW: If you just want an expert eye to look over your blog and tell you what you might be doing wrong or what you need to change, I’ve got you covered! I can help you pinpoint simple changes you can make to your blog to grow your readership and make your blog better. After going through your blog, I will send you an email with my feedback and any helpful resources.

BLOG CONSULTATION: I know you might have your own unique needs, confusions and questions -Be it about growing your blog, working with brands or whatever it might be. The blog consultation involves a 30 minutes online discussion with me on your area(s) of need, and I’ll give you full feedback, and a personalized solution with a follow-up email.

CHARGES:  The Blog review service costs only N7,500, while the Blog Consultations service costs N15,000. If you want me to create a website for you, like a business website, e-commerce or blog/magazine site, then send me an email so we can discuss at length what and how you want your website to look like.

However, I’ll be giving a price slash to N4,500 for the review and N8,500 for consultation services to the first few people who are serious about taking their business to the next level. This offer is valid from now until the 8th of August. After this duration, the prices will revert back to its original price.

ANOTHER BONUS? If you order a blog review and any of my e-books together during the month of July I’ll give you 5% off the whole thing.

Are you ready to take your blog to the next level?
Are you ready to put your business online?

Just click any of the bold buttons below to send me a mail showing interest and access the form

Please note:
Because I can take only a limited number of people, only serious applicants will be considered.

Feel free to share with your blogger friends.

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